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What are some of the biggest limitations to your photography that come from allergies?

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From Allergies Affecting My Photography: Challenges & Solutions

While I love capturing compelling visuals, allergies frequently create hurdles in my photography process.  My symptoms often involve itchy eyes and congestion, which can impact my focus during outdoor shoots, particularly in high-pollen environments.  These challenges can lead to less than ideal compositions due to sneezing and watery eyes making it harder to maintain a sharp perspective. Additionally, nasal dryness can hinder creative vision, prompting me to favor more predictable shots over those that showcase artistic flair.

How I Manage These Challenges:

I've implemented strategies to minimize these challenges and keep my photography thriving despite the allergy struggles:

Prioritizing Indoor Photography: Whenever possible, I aim to shoot indoors to limit exposure to allergens.

Medication:  Antihistamines are my go-to remedy for managing allergies during shoots, allowing me to focus on creative vision without distractions.